Dermal Fillers

Versa and RHA

Restore volume to your lips, cheeks, jaw, and more…


We choose Versa fillers for their versatility, longevity, and natural-looking results. With Versa, we can customize treatments to address each client's unique needs, providing seamless enhancement and a refreshed appearance that lasts


We opt for RHA fillers due to their innovative technology, which allows for dynamic movement and natural expression. RHA fillers provide long-lasting results, seamlessly integrating with the skin for a rejuvenated and youthful appearance


  • -Please arrive with clean skin so that we can properly assess your skin and determine where to make injections

    -Avoid NSAIDS (ie: ibuprofen), and/or Aleve for 1 week prior

    -Avoid taking St. John’s Wort and Vitamin E for 1 week prior

    -Avoid Retin-A, Tretinoin and Retinoids for 3 days prior

    -Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours prior

    -Start Arnica tablets the day before treatment

    -No dental appointments 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks following the injectable appointment

  • Dermal fillers contain lidocaine, a common anesthetic, which helps patients tolerate the minor pinching feeling associated with injections. You will be given an ice pack after treatment to help reduce the swelling.

  • One of the things that makes dermal fillers so great is there's little downtime. Immediately after the treatment, there may be redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness and / or itching at or near the injection site. These symptoms are normal and should resolve within a few days. But for this reason we do not recommend scheduling your appointment right before a big event.

  • Results can be seen immediately after treatment and will get better over the course of 2-3 weeks as the filler integrates with your own tissue. Filler can last anywhere from 6-24 months depending on the filler used and the injection area.

  • -No makeup right after treatment

    -No lying down for 4 hours

    -Avoid touching your face for 24 hours post treatment except to apply aquaphor and arnica gel

    -No exercise/working out for 24 hours

    -Avoid extreme heat or cold for 24 hours

    -No facials for 2 weeks

    -For lip injections only: no straws, smoking, or heavy kissing for 2 weeks post treatment